Coming and going

We woke to another morning of gorgeous blue skies, so I felt it was a good day to do a few jobs in the garden.

My friend had helped with trimming the lavender in the courtyard, when she was here in September, but I still needed to do the plants at the front of the house. Some of them are looking a bit old and tired now, so I’m planning to plant a couple of new ones in the spring. I do love their soft mauve colours against the white stone of the house, and to be greeted by the scent of lavender as you arrive is very calming.

In-between gardening I was kept busy by all the little conversations I had with our neighbours, as they were coming and going about their business. I was also joined by the cranes, chattering away overhead as they circled to get more height. It’s always a delight to see their arrival.


Artist’s day


Panel pins