Panel pins
The moulding we’d bought to fit on the inside edge of each of the panels was slightly too big, so Brian needed to cut a small slice off of each strip. With the moulding being a thin, 3 metre piece of wood, he needed to find a way to ensure he could keep the cut straight, so first he set himself up a jig on his bench saw to control the piece of wood he would feed through it.
This worked perfectly. After cutting the moulding into smaller lengths, and chopping right angles into the ends, he then secured them to the wall with little panel pins, to fit nicely inside each of the panels.
The final thing to do, before I could get on and paint it, was to fill in any joins or gaps. We don’t want it looking too perfect, as the original panels across the rest of the house have imperfections. We had left a crack in one of the original side panels, as it gives it some character. I have to say I am really pleased with what he had created. I like how the new panels now align with the old ones.