Artist’s day

Today is international artist’s day. It’s a day to celebrate the contribution made by artists across the world, and to honour their lives. It’s also the date when Pablo Picasso was born in 1881.

The word artist encompasses painters, photographers, sculptors, musicians, dancers, writers; in fact any discipline where the creative mind can express itself. Most artists will vary their mediums to achieve their creative vision. Picasso, for instance, was not only a painter but also a sculptor, ceramicist, poet, and a playwright. Not sure I actually knew that before writing this.

Art is a way of communicating ideas. It plays an important role in recording our history, and has a unique way of connecting with the subject matter that has an immediate impact on the viewer. It has always been a medium to capture, record and to challenge. I know I’ve learnt so much about history through the many visits to galleries and museums that we’ve enjoyed.

Earlier this year, a very dear friend of ours, Peter Møller, passed away. He was an extremely talented artist, with a unique way of connecting to world events, and recording them through his art.

We were honoured when his cherished wife, Robyn, made us the custodian of one of his works, on a topic that is very close to our hearts and minds. We had it framed in a manner that recalls the deep history of the subject, and we love how it’s come out.

If you are interested in seeing more of Peter’s work, you can click these links to visit the website or see more on instagram.


Sealing the deal


Coming and going