What is it?

You just never know quite how good a ‘vide grenier’ is going to be, but on Sunday morning we were both keen to make an early-ish start to visit the local one at Les Riceys; about a 20 minute drive from us. When we got there it was more like a flea market, with some excellent stalls.

The sun was shining and there was a good variety of bric-a-brac for sale, with a wonderful atmosphere amongst the stall holders, all keen to make a deal.

I think Brian was slightly confused with my first purchase, a galvanised … wait! before I say it, do you know what it is? I want to use it in the garden, as it will make a perfect climbing frame for some nasturtiums.

After a great morning scouring the stalls we came home with a real collection of little items. We are looking for a copy of the 1966 Michelin book, but yet to find one, however we found a pretty good ‘65 copy. The little bellows Brian bought is an advertising prop, such a perfect little item to have on display. All my galvanised containers will be great to use in the garden, and I’m looking forward to finding them a home. I also got a cast iron grill, which I want for the walled garden.

I always need little table cloths, and different cushion covers, and there were plenty to buy. I will enjoy using the ones we purchased after a good wash and iron.

What a superb day with some great finds.



