A few people have been asking how the library is progressing, so here’s a mini update. It has kind of been put on hold until the autumn, as we are focused now on welcoming our Chambre d’hôte guests for the summer period. However, this week Brian found some time between guests, and has made a start on painting the wall. He’s designed a very natural leaf pattern to flow around the room.
He started where the radiator will be, as we didn’t want to leave that part of the wall bare, even though you won’t really see it that much. But we wanted to feel that it was growing from the bottom of the wall.
Having sketched the basic structure of what he wanted to achieve in freehand with chalk, he started by painting the ‘stem’. We’d bought the paints some time ago, so it was easy to set himself up, and get going.
Starting behind where the radiator will be was a good way for Brian to test and develop the look he is after, and it wasn’t long before I could start to see his vision for it.
Can’t wait to see more.