Hunkering down

I love this time of year, when we get our firewood delivery in readiness for our winter log fires. Hunkering down for winter gives a real feeling of warmth and home. Fire wood in France is a little scarce this year, so we were pleased when Charles let us know he could deliver some for us. It didn’t take us long to get it offloaded and stacked away.

We are just loving how the barn has developed over the last six months, below is it back in April, and shows the stages of tidying it went through. We were on a mission then to get it tidied up, and at the time it seemed quite a foreboding task. The right hand side was to be Brian’s workshop and the plan was to build a wooden wall to partition this off, which as you can see, in the bottom picture, we completed. We did this by using lots of wood that we had left over from other projects, or had reclaimed in some way.

It’s a much better use of space now, and works well for us.

Jo Simpson4 Comments