Not one, but two

Brian was keen to get back in the cellar this morning. He wanted to start working on the door, which would mean that the cellar would then be completely sealed. He still needs to fix some more OSB on the side panels, but this can wait for now. The priority needs to be getting the cave sealed.

I was really surprised, as after I’d been pottering around indoors for a bit and then went out to see how he was getting on, he seemed to have pretty much made the door already. All the planks were laid out and joined together, and he was cutting out the door edges to fit perfectly into the hole.

However, he needed to actually make two doors, which would sandwich the insulation between them. He had his template now though, and soon got on with the second door.

The two doors still need to be bolted together properly and the hinges and handle added, but for now it’s filled the space, so we can be comfortable in the knowledge the cave is sealed from the cold temperatures that are forecast over the coming weeks.

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