How to make honeycomb

A favourite recipe for this time of year is homemade, honeycomb ice-cream. First you have to make the honeycomb, which although takes a bit of care, is great fun to do, and you can store it easily in the freezer. This recipe makes enough for quite a few pots of honeycomb icecream. You can also use it to just sprinkle over ice cream, or dip in chocolate for that ‘crunchie’ feeling.

All you need is 2 cups of castor sugar, 1/2 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.

The video is about 7 minutes long, so sit back with a cuppa, and I hope you enjoy it. I would love to know if you’ve ever tried to make it?

On the practical side, the washing up is dead easy. The stuck on sugar just melts away in hot water, so I normally rinse it all off first, then give it a proper wash, or just pop it in the dishwasher.

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