
I love this as a new word. It’s actually the name of a new recycling centre, just 20 minutes from us, in Vendeuvre-sur-Barse. You know us, we love to be able to reuse or recycle items, so when Brian discovered this newly opened depot we were keen to make a visit.

We always keep an eye out for some new records, as we love to listen to them on our old record player. It’s quite an eclectic mix that we have put together, but even these were not quite our thing.

We did come away with some very good finds. A vice (which will be ideal on Brian’s bench in his workshop), an old bottle dryer (which will be more decorative than useful, but it was only 5 euros), some light shades (all 4 for 30 cents), a pot, and a couple of crème brûlée dishes. Not a bad day really.

Jo Simpson4 Comments