Preparing for the season

Once the pool was closed for the season we focussed on preparing the rest of the garden for winter, stacking all the garden furniture away and draining down the garden taps and hoses. The water pump up to the pool also needed to be shut down, as temperatures in the well room drop below zero. It’s a job that can’t be rushed, as the whole system needs to be drained completely.

Whilst Brian was doing this, I decided I’d take the opportunity to pop a few bulbs in the ground that I’d bought earlier in the year. I love the way they seem to let you know when the seasons are changing and I always think they are such a beautiful surprise when they pop their heads up in spring or early summer, and as I never seem to remember what I’ve planted, or where I’ve planted them, it’s an even bigger surprise. That’s all part of the fun, let’s wait and see how these look next year.

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