A prickly load
The plan today was to tidy up the garden, as the sun wasn’t too strong so it was a nice day to spend pottering around.
We’d bought a garden shredder on our trip to Dijon last week, and decided to test it out. We have so much garden waste from the roses, which is prickly to load into the trailer and take to the déchetterie, that we thought a shredder could work better, and I can either use the chippings on the garden, if they are suitable, or dispose of them more easily at the déchetterie.
Brian had set the shredder up, and I made a start on some pruning of the roses. It wasn’t long before we were really making a difference
We’re loving the shredder it seems to be working really well, especially with the green branches, which we were thinking may prove to be more difficult, but it just gobbles them up.
Another little job that Brian wanted to do was to replace a protective cover for a cable near the front door, which had faded and broken in the intense sun. He soon had it tidied up, and protected again. I think we will look for a better solution for it, something more aesthetically pleasing , but for now it is safe.