I had to nip to the dentist this morning as I have damaged my gum, and my dentist wanted to take a panoramic x-ray of my teeth and gums.
I’d made an appointment a few weeks ago as I felt things were not right. After a quick examination, and him talking to me in French whilst I’m upside down in the chair (which I soon realised is doubly hard to understand in that position) it transpired that I now need to make an appointment with another clinician in Dijon to have it examined. On the one hand I’m happy I’m in the system and he’s being really thorough, but on the other I’m really not good with dentists, so I am a bit anxious.
I’ve been lucky through my life that normally my visits to the dentist are once a year for a check up, and never any work doing. I’m hoping for an easy resolution, but I’m not certain that’s what will happen this time.