
A friend of mine Dee, who often comments on the blog, suggested we download an app she uses to identify birds in the garden. It’s called ‘Merlin bird ID’, and it’s absolutely free.

Excited at the prospect of putting names to some of our little feathered friends who dive, dart, and also potter, around our gardens, we quickly set about making some recordings. The results were amazing, with the app filtering through other noises to find the birdsongs. After you have finished recording you can even press on the bird pictures and the app will take you to that part of the recording, so that you can recognise the bird by its song.

Over a couple of days we made several recordings at different times, and in different parts of the garden, and these are what we identified.

And this little fella has set up a nest in our barn. He is very flitty, but seems comfortable enough to come and go with us pottering around him. Let’s hope he introduces his partner and they have some little chicks.




Empty the attic