Monster party!

Well, it was a bit of a shock yesterday when I went to check on the box trees at the pool. Gosh! Those little critters had munched their way through pretty much every one of our trees, in just a week!

This is the little monster! He didn’t do it single handedly, he had some mates round to help.

Now we have a few options, we could hard prune them and give them a chance to grow back. But it means constantly spraying them with pesticides, which we don’t really like doing, especially up at the pool. So I think we are both feeling that this is a battle the army of caterpillars have won.

Now the decision has been made, we need to take them out, take them to the déchetterie and plant something not so susceptible to a pest like the box tree caterpillar.

Fortunately, the box plants in the walled garden are hanging in there, so we will do what we can to keep them healthy, let’s hope we continue to win that battle.


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