Love it or paint it

As the radiator was off the wall, I grasped the opportunity to clean it. My initial thought, as I’d only just been using the jet washer, was to take it outside and jet wash it. That was never going to happen, it is so heavy I couldn’t even help out by lifting one end. After a bit of hopeless trying with our faithful sack barrow, I said to Brian “I’m changing my mind, I’m going to clean it in here”. I think there was actual relief in his voice “are you sure? It’s not an easy thing to do by hand”.

“It’s easier than moving it”, I said, and I really couldn’t have been more sure of anything else at that point.

A couple of quiet hours sitting on the floor later and the job was done.

We will decide over the next couple of days as to whether I paint it or love it.

For now I think we both love it just as it is.


First cut


Glue or screw?