Our opticians had contacted us to let us know we could go and pick our glasses up. We were both looking forward to having new ones. It’s always a nice treat when we go to Troyes to enjoy a lazy morning coffee or hot chocolate, which Brian has become rather fond of, and today we found a new little café in a back street that served 100% cocoa version. He said it was very strong, but delicious.
After we’d collected our glasses, and had them fitted, I then headed to my 11am rendezvous for my first ever French hair appointment. I’d finally mustered the courage to go.
I don’t know why I was so worried. The salon was very quiet, with soft music in the background. In my best French I was able to share, in a simple way, what I wanted to have done, and in response the stylist spoke slowly and clearly.
We chatted a little during the time, and it was nice to be able to practice my French and learn a little more about French life. And I’m loving my new haircut also, nicely trimmed with no major change.