On the spirits again!

With 2 uprights and three shelves already cut, glued, planed and sanded, it was time for Brian to define the heights of the shelves.

The top of the cupboard isn’t perfectly level, so all the uprights need to be a little bit different in height. Because of this it is important that the shelves all work to a fixed level, not just a measure taken from the bottom of the uprights, it seems all very technical. So out came the trusty laser again to ensure a true level.

However, when Brian set the laser in place, and checked the height each side using a tape measure, he doubted the laser for a moment. Being as cautious as he is, he got his old school spirit level out to check the accuracy of the laser level.

Finally convinced, and all happy again that the laser was actually telling the truth, he marked up the shelf positions ready for the next stage.


That’s scary!


Plane and simple