With the biscuit holes cut, it didn’t take long this morning for Brian to glue together the first section of shelving. I have to say it was rather heavy helping to lift it into place. I’m so glad we decided to make it in 4 separate sections.
No time to waste, Brian was back at it, and with a little elbow grease, and some patience, he had soon sanded off some marks to the shelves which he was preparing for the second section of shelving. Some of the planks of wood that we’d bought were a bit blemished, but about €15 cheaper per plank than the unblemished ones. Taking a bit of additional time is all that is needed to make them just as good as the others. Definitely worth it.
He was then ready to start to mark up the second section, careful to ensure each of the shelves are going to line up and everything is straight.