Five euros!

Every now and then we see something at a market that we can’t pass up, even if we don’t know what to do with it.

In 2022 we saw a tired, slightly damaged and very dirty shelf at a stall in a marché aux puces. It wasn’t attractive, but on closer inspection Brian realised it was oak, and for five euros it was worth it just for the wood. So we bought it, with the intention of using the wood or putting it up in Brian’s workshop. But the other day, whilst he was working on the oak for the library wall, I noticed it leaning up against a wall, and thought it might work well in the library. So to see if it would work, he first sanded it down.

The sanding got rid of the stains, but the wood still looks very dry. He next glued the broken section together.

It’s now ready to oil, which will hopefully bring the richness of the wood out. Then we’ll have to see what it looks like on the wall.


Fold away


Brushed off