Snipping again
I’d asked Brian if he could come and help me in the garden. The area in the corner of the walled garden was looking a bit untidy. The lavender I’d had there had died, and the irises needed tidying up. I think I will look to move one of my hydrangeas to the corner, although first we want to repair the lime mortar in the wall, to help strengthen the stonework.
I left him digging it over, whilst I went to prune and tidy some of the roses and peonies. The tree peonie’s buds have dried out by this time of year, so they are ready to be snipped off.
The new buds are starting to form, so I snip them just above the bud, careful not to damage any new growth.
We then got the shredder out to clean up all the pruning. It’s great being able to reduce the rose cuttings down to a bag of mulch for the garden. It saves us from driving it to the tip, and gives us a great base for our soil.