Biscuit jointer

Today is an important one for moving the bookshelves forward, it’s the day Brian is hoping his new ‘biscuit jointer’ will arrive. For now though he is checking all his measurements to ensure they are correct, which is easier now the cupboard is in its final position.

Whilst that was happening I decided the sunny, if somewhat cold, weather was just right to start the year in the garden, doing some much needed pruning.

The roses were top of the list, but the lavender also needed work. It’s been a bit of a wet winter, and the pruning that should have happened at the end of last year has had to be carried over to now. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than leaving everything to outgrow itself.

We popped in for a welcome cup of tea, and as we did the bell was rung by the delivery man. This could only mean one thing!

Brian unpacked his new jointer, and gave it a check over. Then he proceeded to read the instructions carefully. Precision is important with this tool which is why he bought a better one online than the one that was available locally. So making sure he knows how to use it properly is essential. However, I think he’s quite impatient to give it a go, which should be tomorrow.

Anyway, back to the pruning for me.


Two become one


Made to measure