
I treated myself to a rather tasty bacon sandwich for breakfast, enjoyed with a frothy coffee, such a great start to the day. Brian just wanted toast, and yoghurt, he is so easy to please.

We decided to take the Christmas decorations down today, I have to admit I was getting a bit fidgety with them being up. I absolutely love Christmas and the festive season, but I also love to get tidied up afterwards, and start planning for our year ahead.

We started by trimming the tree! We chop it all up and pop it into bags, ready to take it to the déchetterie (tip). It then didn’t take too long to clean everything up and pack away the decorations. I’d kept a sturdy box for my nativity scene that Brian had bought me, which he’d given to me throughout advent in my advent calendar. It is from Santons, the small village in the south of France famous for their nativity characters. I’ve always wanted one, so it was such a delight to open a new little character every day. The backdrop I’d used for it was a hand carved wooden scene that I had bought from a craft market in Kent many years ago. I love the natural colours of the little figures.

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