Piped in

We’d had a recommendation for a new pellet supplier, who are making good quality wood pellets locally. They make, and distribute, their pellets from Colombey les deux Églises, about 30 minutes from us.

It seems that the very low temperatures we have had mean that we are burning through our pellets at a much faster rate. When we ordered the top up on Friday we still expected to have two weeks of fuel left, so we were surprised when Brian checked our fuel level on Tuesday morning and found that we only had a few days remaining. Fortunately, on Tuesday afternoon, the man from Alpha pellets called to say he would deliver the next day. This made us very happy, as you can imagine.

The delivery truck that arrived seemed extra long, and he wasn’t able to back into the courtyard. He decided instead to pump the pellets from the road, which works okay. They can pipe up to 30 metres if necessary, after that it starts to degrade the pellets. We did however create a mini traffic jam in the village.

Soon he was set up and pumping the pellets from the truck along the pipe into the silo. It didn’t take too long to fill it up, and just in time for another cold snap forecast for this weekend.


Getting started


Not one, but two