Pure frost
It had dropped to around -7°c overnight, and when Brian got up to make us some tea he peered out of the window and exclaimed “Jo you should come and see this, the trees are thick with frost, they look so beautiful” . As I was quite comfortable in bed, I suggested rather than getting up straight away to look, instead we could go for a walk after breakfast and take some photos. The forecast was to stay below freezing all day, so I doubted it was going to be thawing in a hurry, and I was very happy to stay in the warm a little bit longer.
So after breakfast, we wrapped up as cosily as possible and set off for a short walk to our favourite spot, the point de vue. It was such a beautiful walk, so quiet with a crisp, wintery stillness. Delightful. I love how the countryside changes its feel with the different seasons, the light, the colours, the air, all adding to the changing landscape.
These are the photographs I took of Brian taking his photos, which I will put up as a separate blog tomorrow. He also took some video which we want to include too.
It’s quite unbelievable that the blanket of white all around isn’t snow, but just pure frost.