Day two - la route du champagne en fete

It was a lazy start to our second day. Over a relaxed breakfast we decided we would try to park near to where we had the day before. We all jumped into the two cars and set off for the spot, however somehow we got split up. After being pushed by the gendarmes to use another car park we were well and truly separated. A couple of text messages later and the plan was to meet up at number 3.

The ‘carnet de degustation’, which is your ticket to the event, has numbered pages for each Champagne house. It tells you a bit about the producer, and about the cuveé you are going to taste. To get your glass topped up with Champagne you hand over a perforated ticket from your booklet, and your glass, to one of the volunteers serving behind the bar, and voila.

The day seemed to whiz by, as we enjoyed the Champagnes and music from a variety of bands and singers, with everyone in a party mood.

One of the producers had decided to set his stall up in the vineyard, so we also enjoyed a short stroll up the hill to where they were serving it.

The views were spectacular, and it was good to be drinking amongst the grapes

What a superb weekend with friends and Champagne!🥂


Sup up


The Visitor