Gone potty!

In a nearby village, whilst visiting a ‘vide grenier’, or car boot sale, we spotted a ‘vide maison’, which is more like a garage sale. Brian drove slowly past so that I could get a look inside. “I think we should stop” I said. We found a parking space just down the road and walked back. It was actually a wine producer who was retiring, and had no one to pass the business to, so he was selling up.

We wandered around the inside of the barn, looking at the things they had arranged for sale. There were wine racks of all shapes and sizes, as well as ordinary household items. I spotted four large concrete pots, that I was really interested in. I showed them to Brian, at which point he started immediately to worry about how we would get them home. He looked them over and pointed out the wear on the top from years of service. “If they’re cheap enough, I think they are worth the struggle” I said. I knew what was going through his mind, ‘how are we ever going to get them home?’

I asked the lady how much. She said twenty euros…for the four. I think I must have looked a little startled, and Brian could see my pleasure, and I could see his dismay. “Shall we get them?”

Moments later Brian backed the car into the driveway. The lady’s husband helped Brian put them in the car. It was a bit of a struggle. All the time I think we were both thinking ‘How the heck are we going to get these out?’ Things never seem that big to me, until you start trying to fit them into a car!

Brian drove us home, very steadily. We approached getting the smaller two out first, which was surprisingly easy, and popped them on the lawn near the steps.

I don’t think they will stay there, but they are good for now. I’d like to probably take them up the slope more, but they are good there for a while.

We then mustered all our courage to move the bigger two. We used the weight of the pots to roll them to the back of the car, and carefully manoeuvred them on to the trolley, which we could then pull over the gravel to a position either side of the bench.

They look rather magnificent where they are for now, but they may be moved at a later date. We shall see after we have lived with them for a bit before we make any rash decisions.




Some weeks ago