The big move

We enjoy seeing the garden develop, and as we start to understand it I often find that things are not where I would like them. Sometimes those things are quite big, and I need Brian to help me move them.

Having potted out some of my Geraniums in the largest stone urn we have, I realised it would be in the way of the Fleur de Lys I wanted to plant in the border, so the urn would have to be moved.

The first step was to work out where it would go and then cut a square of turf from that spot and use it to fill the hole made when the urn is moved. Brian did this with his normal care and soon we had a repaired lawn and a new home for our urn.

It wasn’t moving far, and with a bit of effort, and the use of our lifting trolley, we soon had it standing in the right place.


Green green grass


Bright start