A good little haul

There are four public holidays in France during May, and this week, which includes Ascension day, is a popular week for events.

It started off on Sunday with the inaugural ‘Braderie de Bar-sur-Seine’, a small flea market held along the main high street. We were not quite sure what to expect, being the first ever, but it was a pleasant mixture of stalls from the shop owners (offering sale items, which rarely happens in France) to bric-a-brac stall holders.

We came home with a nice little haul of goodies. Ten cups and saucers, which will be ideal for soup or desserts or little salads. A little wire basket with 6 metal cups, which I shall use for flowers, and a piece of stained glass. We don’t quite know how we will use this, but we’ve placed it somewhere safe for the time being.


Trim, weed, watch


Green green grass