Armoires arrival

The phone rings, it’s the delivery driver from ‘general troc’ saying he is outside. Well I think that’s what he says, Brian runs to the gate. Yep, he’s there.

We both help him unload two armoires. Those of you who read the ‘Troc’ blog will know that we had an exciting bargain hunt in Troyes a few days ago, and have been anxiously awaiting their delivery. When we’ve bought them in the past they have been delivered dismantled, unfortunately though they were not this time, and they were destined for the top floor!

We had a bit of a conversation with the driver about where he could go and buy some Champagne while he was here. Then we said cheerio, before admiring our purchases.

“Will they both come apart?” I enquired tentatively. “I don’t think so, well, one might. Let’s go and have a cup of tea, and think about what to do”. That’s always a good idea.


Picture hooks


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