Potty again

We had woken to a very frosty morning, but by the time we’d had a slow breakfast the sun had broken through. Feeling the warmth of the sunshine, and being able to comfortably spend time in the garden is just wonderful again, so I decided to sort out some of my pots. I don’t find that there is much of a selection of bulbs in our garden centres, but I’d managed to buy a few from our local one last week, and wanted to get them potted for both inside and outside the house.

The hyacinths I’d previously planted in my tureen had died back, so I’ve popped them into the garden. They will reappear next year. The daffodils, or rather narcissus, I’ve planted in a few pots for outside, and repotted my tureen for the salle à manger.

I just have to be patient now.




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