Settling in

It seems to have been a bit of a whirlwind week since arriving home, but we’ve got ourselves settled back in, cleaned the house, caught up on the laundry, prepared the guest rooms, cleaned and stocked the fridge, booked the chimney sweep to come, and started on the mountain of ironing. We are now very much back into our rather flexible daily routine.

Taking time out of any type of routine or schedule helps free the mind and brings renewed energy. With the changing of seasons I always find it’s a great time to plan what’s next. Brian is planning his next projects, he will be starting the library after Christmas, but he has a few little jobs he’d like to do before then. I have some things I’d like to do, more planning on the garden, and getting ready for some potential winter jobs in the garden, although it’s not possible to do too much. We need to review our jobs list and prioritise what’s important.

It was such a gorgeous day, with a beautiful blue sky, so we took time out to walk up to the point de vue, just before the sun was ready to set.

The stillness of the village is delightful in the warm autumn sun. The log fires are starting to be lit for the evening and we can spy the puffs of smoke drifting out of the chimney stack’s, all different in their design and look.

What a beautiful place we live in.


Le Cellier

