
It had been a very hot and sunny day, but as the evening arrived it changed, and it became clear a storm was threatening. When we went to bed we could see the clouds were building, and the air became stifling. The rising moon glowed creepily over the horizon. All in all it was an ominous kind of night.

Then it happened!

The windows were wide open, but the air was thick and still. There was a sudden movement in the darkness, a presence in the room with us. “Aargh…it’s a…a…bat!” I screamed. I immediately hid under the sheets, and waited for Brian to jump into action. To my dismay he did absolutely nothing, except sit and watch it flap around the room, giving me a running commentary as it circled again and again. Some moments later he spoke, “It’s gone”. That was it, nothing more. I emerged from under the sheets, to find peace again in the room. It unsettled me slightly, however I did still manage to get to sleep soon after.

Thankfully I didn’t have any nightmares.


15 Août


Farewell Robby