Home sweet home
Our journey home was smooth, and we managed to catch an earlier shuttle so were soon whizzing along the A26 south, towards Viviers-sur-Artaut. I was looking forward to sleeping in our own bed tonight, and waking up to a deliciously hot cup of Earl grey tea.
We were in no hurry to get up, and it proved to be quite a slow morning unpacking and putting things away. I was enjoying just pottering about and getting things organised, taking in the familiar aroma of the house. It’s funny the things you miss when you’re away.
Before I started on the laundry we got to enjoy some hot buttered crumpets I’d brought home and some local chia toast, a comforting start to the day, with a quick dip into my copy of the ‘delicious’ magazine.
It’s lovely going away but it’s wonderful coming home.