Something old, something new
Brian has had his cordless screwdriver/drill for seven years or so, and although I think it still looks okay, he tells me the batteries just aren’t taking a charge anymore, so he decided he needed a new one. I thought that was it and it would be a simple case of him popping to the local brico and buying one, but it was anything but. He started researching them on the internet, and it wasn’t long before he had too many things to consider - a bad situation for Brian, so I joined in to help, but only managed to find out things that made the choice even harder such as 2 AH vs 4 AH (we’d never even heard of AH before last week).
As we were going to Troyes this week we decided we would pop into the Black and Decker shop, which sold a few good brands. Hey presto, with the extra knowledge we had gained in our research working for us he soon chose one he liked, and with the chance to try it in the shop he soon decided that some things, including AH, weren’t as big an issue as we had thought. SOLD!
I must say it’s a lot sturdier than his old one, and he’s very pleased with it. After charging the batteries overnight, he put it to very good use putting up the kitchen shelf I’ve wanted for a while now.
It looks great. Hoorah for new drills.