Let it shine
I discovered a little tip on how to easily clean silver that’s really worth knowing. I had quite a bit of silver plated cutlery that was certainly in need of a good clean, as the plating had started to tarnish quite badly, so I thought I’d follow the tip and try to clean some teaspoons I had first.
You start by lining a dish with tin foil, then you sprinkle in some bicarbonate of soda, lay the silver items in, then pour on hot water. You then leave it for about 30 minutes, before cleaning them down with an old dry cloth.
Voila, shiny spoons.
I couldn’t help myself once I’d done these, I then started cleaning all the old knives, forks and spoons that I had stored in the kitchen drawer. I went on a bicarbonate frenzy. I have to say though, it does end up smelling a bit odd after a while. Nothing a good scented candle wouldn’t fix though.