Summer rain

As we went to bed last night there was a sprinkling of rain, just enough to send the sweet smell of the gardens below wafting up to our open window. Summer rain definitely has a very distinct green aroma. Oh, to bottle it!

We were not expecting much more than light rain, but around 2am the heavens opened, and with some amazing flashes of lightening, and cracks of thunder, we were soon enjoying a very strong downpour. The night was quite unsettled, with breaks in the storm, then fierce downpours. We woke though to a coolness in the air, and once again a stillness outside - the storm gave some welcome light relief, and provided some well needed water to all the vegetation.

I had been glad that I’d picked my crop of tomatoes earlier in the day, as if they’d been left on the plants, they may have been damaged.


Refreshingly good


A delightful day