Country fayre - part three

In the main display ring they presented a spectacular show of equestrian skills from a number of very talented horse riders. As I cannot ride a horse I’m always very impressed by those that can, and even more so by those who can make it all look so effortless.

The horses, and the riders, all looked so very elegant, and there was some extremely professional displays.

The final rider, a tall slim gentleman, rode his horses whilst standing on their backs. It was an incredible show of strength and skill, being at one with his team of four horses. At one point he did slip, and fell to the floor, but he soon picked himself up, dusted himself down, and got back on.

It was all rather spectacular, and extremely well organised.

There was so much to do, that there was little time to explore the building itself. We will definitely be returning to visit the chateau and it’s grounds another time, I know that they have a treasure hunt that leads you around the rooms that are open to the public, which I’d love to do. Today though was all about this grand local event, which had a vast programme taking place throughout the day, of which we only saw a fraction. Definitely one to catch next year.


Harvest 1 - Is it early?


Country fayre - part two