That’s a cracker

Boxing Day is not a holiday celebrated in France, however it’s so in our tradition of Christmas holidays it would be hard not to celebrate it. So, as an English couple living in France, we still enjoy the last holiday of the year - 26th December.

Boxing Day came about in Queen Victoria’s reign, when the gentry would wrap up presents for their staff, or those in need, and hand them out. People would be seen across the country carrying boxed up items to share with others. So it was called Boxing Day.

Another tradition, which France doesn’t experience, is the Christmas cracker. Our friend made us some beautiful personalised crackers…

…filled with very appropriate gifts for us.

The jokes inside are just as bad as they ever were, but a little more modern. “What did Santa do when he went speed dating?”

“He pulled a cracker.”


A bit drippy


Little collections