Up and away

It was quite a grey day yesterday, the starlings were loving it though and getting very excited flying around in the cool air and using our neighbours trees as their play ground.

Brian was up and away early this morning as he knew he had a full day of work ahead of him in the cellar. He had to repeat what he had done the day before, but on the other side of the door entry. He started off by filling the last of the small holes near the ceiling, then he worked on batoning and fitting the insulation for the two remaining panels on the left hand side. It was all pretty fiddly work and took most of the day.

I was keeping him motivated with tea, and made some homemade soup for lunch to give him some sustenance for his afternoons work. The space is really starting to feel like a useable cellar now, a few more days and it should all be sealed and we can start to monitor the temperature in there.

Jo Simpson2 Comments