Woodn’t fit

We needed to nip out and get the wood for the cellar this morning. It has to be a well planned event, as I have not mastered the art of reversing a trailer, so we try to time it to get to Weldom just before lunch, when the car park has emptied.

The plan all came together, and by 11.45 we were loading the wood into the trailer. We knew it was never going to fit lengthwise, so Brian had brought plenty of straps to secure the wood in the back of the trailer.

After a quick coffee, and some homemade honey madeleines, Brian was keen to get going on fitting the wooden frame for his wall.

He started off by cutting some wooden boards to top off the stone walls. These were quite a fiddly job, having to make them fit around each oak beam. But they have made a great foundation for him to continue with completing the main part tomorrow.

Jo Simpson2 Comments