Hard labour

Yesterday we were excited, as we had planned to try and get the cellar wall built. The plan was to build a base to the wall in stone, between each of the posts. Above that Brian will build a wooden wall holding big sheets of polystyrene. We only needed to build four small walls, as we would be leaving a space for the door to be fitted in. It was the small stone walls that we wanted to try and achieve.

We started off by using the laser to help mark where each of the walls needed to be built up to. The main thing was not to build past the mark.

It was then a case of choosing the stones to use and laying them on the floor in the correct order ready to be cemented in, before mixing the cement up and starting laying.

I think we had underestimated how heavy the stones were, and how awkward it was in manoeuvring them in the cramped space. We approached it all very slowly, and carefully, but after a few hours of heavy work, decided to call it a day and tidy up. We were pleased with where we’d got to, but once these have set, we need to come back and finish it off.

Jo Simpson4 Comments