Hole in one
It was a beautiful day for a spot of gardening yesterday, the sun was not too hot and there was a slight breeze. I wanted to plant up some herbs I’d bought and do some weeding. The big job is to prune the roses, but I’m tackling that one rose tree at a time.
I was slightly amazed when I stopped to make some tea and checked in with Brian on how he was getting on with the landing. Slowly was his response. He then proceeded to show me a photo of the hole that had ‘appeared’ in the ceiling. He assured me it was not as bad as it looked! I was a little bemused as to how this had appeared - and he explained that once he started to knock it, it kept falling down.
I went up to take a look, and first saw the debris on the floor. What he hadn’t told me though, was that he had already started to fill it in.
He assures me a few more layers and some sanding and I won’t notice a thing.