Garden gym
It’s been quite an exhausting day today. We started off by mowing and strimming the slope, which is a major job in itself.
We then wanted to place the mulch chippings around the bottom of the laurels we had planted, to help minimise water loss. The trouble with both these jobs is that they involved lots of walking up and down the garden either pushing, or carrying, something heavy, which had left us both quite weary. We stopped for some lunch, had lots to drink to rehydrate (as it was quite a warm day) and decided to check our weather app. Rain is forecast on and off for most of this week.
We hadn’t moved the log pile yet, it was still in the middle of the courtyard, and Brian was conscious we didn’t want it to get rained on, so we made the decision that we needed to move it all into the barn this afternoon. There was way more than we thought, and some rather oversized and heavy ones that will need splitting later, but it has meant that our log storage has been very well replenished, although these logs are a good couple of winters away from burning. I have to say though, I used to pay good money for a workout like today!