A long weekend!

It’s another ‘bank holiday’ weekend in France. The sun is shining and I’m enjoying my strawberries and yoghurt before getting back out to finish painting the atelier. There were 4 public holidays this year throughout May, two of which are moveable as they are linked to Easter, and two are fixed to a specific date.

The first one is Labour day on 1st May, and the second is Victory day on 8th May. These are fixed dates, which this year fell on a Saturday, so no long weekends to enjoy. Not that we notice that at the moment. However it is good to know when they are, as shops will often be shut. We have found that some supermarkets will open for just the morning.

The second two dates are moveable, the first is Ascension day which is 39 days after Easter Sunday, and the last one is Whit Monday, 50 days after Easter Sunday.

What sometimes happens, as well, is that if a holiday lands on a Thursday say, then the day in between that and the weekend may also be taken as holiday. Never to miss a chance for a day off.


Priority to the right


RollIn’ on