I love visiting a French boulangerie, I always come out with something delicious, however as we are quarantined for seven days Brian is practicing his bread making skills and making us some. Which is similarly delicious.
It’s a very simple standard recipe, where all the ingredients get mixed together. Care not to put the salt and yeast right next to each other as the salt can stop the yeast from working. Once the ingredients are blended he then spends about ten minutes slapping it against the worktop. Apparently this is stretching the glutens. This is very therapeutic.
500g strong white flour
10g yeast
350ml of water
10g salt
Once the texture appears smooth and elastic to the touch he pops it in an oiled bowl, covers it with a tea towel and leaves it to prove somewhere warm. Once it’s doubled in size he scoops it out ready to cook.
It needs to bake in a 180°c oven for about 30 minutes. The result is a very tasty loaf of bread.