‘What’s that for?’ I hear you ask? This is Brian’s invention to assist us with our job today.
We bought an enamelled sign a couple of years back. It was not something we had been looking for, but somehow came across on eBay, and the seller only lived just outside Gatwick, so we put in a bid. Before long, we were the proud owners of a 2 metre long enamel sign which had previously been used outside a butchers in Yorkshire.
So today was the day to put it up. However, we had mounted it on some oak and it was now super heavy. We needed something to support it whilst Brian worked out where the holes needed to go, and drill the fixings into the wall. So Brian built this frame and I have to say it made the job achievable, we would not have been able to do it without his contraption.
We are both really pleased with the final look.