Lighting up

Sunday needed to be a day of planning for us. We had been really quite busy and needed to take some time and step back to reflect on what we had achieved and what we needed to do to move things forward over the coming weeks. We know that a lot will be happening, like the cooker being delivered. What we need to do is ensure everything is ready and finish off some jobs we have started.

Firstly, Brian finished putting the lights back up in the barn which he’d had to take down for the demolition work, then he took some time to finalise his plan for the stairs. We now need to find somewhere to order the wood and get it ordered. We have been given a few places to try, so we will be looking at them on Monday.

Next was to look at the additional electrics we need in the barn, and supply a plan to understand the cost, this we needed to consider and Brian produced a plan which we sent off to Lee-Anne.

I want to work at getting one of the sets of shutters finished and back up. I think the second set will need to be postponed until the spring. So we will put them back up. Maybe we were just to ambitious with our time. We are also thinking with the change in weather it may be best to leave the second set.

Then lastly we needed to consider my collection of lights for the kitchen and how they would work. I’m really looking forward to getting these installed, which I’m hoping will happen this week.

A taster of what the lights will look like

A taster of what the lights will look like


No, No, No – Yes

