Well on its way

Tuesday morning - It’s another glorious day. The nights are really chilly already, around 10 °c, but the days are still full of sunshine and getting up to 27°c.

M. Humbert is working hard on the barn. It’s been a very dirty, difficult job, removing years of decay, and I can only refer to it as ‘discarded stuff’ - like old shelves, bottles, broken tiles etc.

Today they are clearing the last third of the barn, which holds the well and water pump that supplies the pool. It’s also where the cellar was. We have a passive cellar, which is half above ground, the cold damp from the earth floor creates the right conditions to maintain a constant temperature and environment to store wine. Brian will reinstate this once the area is cleared.

They will then finish building the shell for the store room above the ‘soon to be laundry and boiler room’.

Brian is going to build the stairs up to this, they will wrap around the corner.

Brian is going to build the stairs up to this, they will wrap around the corner.

This view will not be seen soon as a wall will be going up here to create the store room. We may one day utilise part of this space, but for now I like having the air above the parking area and log store.

This view will not be seen soon as a wall will be going up here to create the store room. We may one day utilise part of this space, but for now I like having the air above the parking area and log store.


The Wall


Log Jam