Kitchen unit

It was a damp day today, but Brian was happy working on the kitchen cupboard in the barn area. We have bought two old mahogany cupboards, for less than the cost of the wood really, but they need a little adapting. The first job was to remove the top, which he did with a a couple of chisels at first, but needed to finish with a crowbar!. We did want to try and preserve the top to be used with the metal shelf we have to put up, but unfortunately it splintered a bit where it had been heavily glued. You can’t save everything, and the main thing is the cupboard is looking good.


Next task was to cut out where the sink is going to fit. Brian’s measured it all out again and again, and drew it all up in an application on the laptop, so when it finally came to cutting out the wood that needed to go he knew exactly what he had to do. Tomorrow he will be reinforcing the areas that may have been weakened by the removal of elements of the carcass. The marble effect sticky back plastic will also need to go!

Some bits came away in the removal of the top, but Brian is repairing those

Some bits came away in the removal of the top, but Brian is repairing those


Plum crumbles

